Cowboy Billy

Cowboy Billy Song Book

Sample art and lyrics from Cowboy Billy Souvenir Songbook


Bill & Dori Dougal
Telephone: (860) 456-9041



Cowboy Billy Songbook

SONGBOOK $6.00 – Illustrations and lyrics matching the “Cowboy Billy Sings”CD. 16 pages, soft cover, text and black & white illustrations by Bill. 5.5”x8.5”.

Pickleface Pete ©1995 by Bill Dougal

Let me tell you the story ‘bout pickleface Pete
The meanest cowpoke that you’ll ever meet
He was a bad one. You know he liked to make fun
When pickleface comes, all the good folks run
He wouldn’t say thank you, And wouldn’t say please
He’d never use a hanky, when he’d sneeze
The only manners, that he had were bad
Pickleface Pete. He had smelly feet
He used to pick on a guy he called Puney Paul
He picked on him cause he was really small
You’re smaller than fleas, Pickleface would tease
He called him squirt. Paul’s feelings were hurt
He was a bad one. You know he liked to make fun
He tried to steal some gold, from an underground mine
He didn’t see the big old danger sign
And if he did, you know he didn’t care
He was so greedy, he’d steal the legs off a chair
The mine started cavin’ in. He couldn’t get out
Only one person heard his desperate shout
It was the fellow he called Puny Paul
And cause Paul was small, he could fit in the hole
Paul climbed down into the old mine shaft
Before he saved him he said with a laugh
Do you wanna be rescued by a puny dude?
Pickleface said please, and Paul freed him with ease.
Now Pete’s a good one. His teasin’ days are done.



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